At first glance you may not see the beauty of this egg. But in my eyes, it is a dream come true. I was fortunate to receive a Black Copper
Marans rooster and hen from a friend on Christmas Eve. A few weeks later, we got our first egg. Typical of the breed, the eggs are a very
dark brown. Some people refer to them as
“chocolate”. We saved several eggs and
put them in the incubator. After a week,
we candled the eggs and found out not a single egg in the first batch was
fertile. With young birds, this is not
uncommon. Soon a second group of eggs
was placed in the incubator. Our first
chick was born on February 25. To date
five chicks have hatched and appear happy and healthy. We hope to have a few more hatching out this
weekend. Raising our own chickens is an
exciting step toward becoming a more self-sustainable farm.
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